Tuesday, August 12, 2014


On my Instagram account, I posted a video of myself demonstrating the overhead squat assessment. 

According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, the overhead squat assessment is designed to assess flexibility, core strength, balance and overall neuromuscular control. If you are someone who wants to take your fitness to the level of physical competition (powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, bodybuilding), discovering what your muscle imbalances are and fixing the issues WILL help you break through plateaus that you might have when training. SO with that, here are those Top 3 fixes.

1) Perfect Posture. And I'm not talking standing up straight and looking like a noob. I’m talking about posture in weight training pertaining to certain movements like the snatch and even the squat. These are movements that are typically awkward and you can feel forced when performing them. This feeling is because there are flexibility issues and tightness in areas like the hip flexors that don't allow you to perform the movement easily. By figuring out these imperfections, and working on gaining flexibility in them, you will, guaranteed, be able to push more and more weight.

2) A REALLY custom workout plan. Workout plans get even more personal after performing the overhead squat assessment. You will become more familiar with muscles and tendons that are overactive or inactive. Now you can tailor your routines to hit these lacking areas so that you can eventually perform exercises with the full support of all your muscles.

3) Works for the upper body too! Having your arms above your head during the assessment allows for you to take note of upper body tightness and imbalances. For example, if your arms fall during the movement, it might mean that your lats are overactive. With overactive lats, there is a possibility of inactive muscles needing to be strengthened like the shoulders and pecs. Finding that initial lat problem now allows you to focus on the shoulders and pecs to eventually balance this issue out.

When you find these imbalances, your program can change significantly. This assessment allows for the most individualized program that you can get. Be the best athlete you can be and assess yourself using the Overhead Squat Assessment. 

For more detail on the overhead squat assessment along with videos and explanations, visit:

Thursday, July 31, 2014

3 Tips for Competing on a Budget

The life of a fitness competitor can be a tough one. It's something that takes over your life and you have to be OK with that in order to be successful in the fitness industry. Besides a lifestyle change, competing can be quite expensive. BUT, where there is a will there is a way.  There are things you can do to keep your competing expenses at an all-time low. Here are the top 3 things you should be doing to get more bang for your buck.

1) Food
So, pretty much every neighborhood has multiple markets. You need to be hands on and visit them all. Grab the magazines from each and compare prices. If you have to make multiple stops to each market to get the best price, DO IT! There are places that sell packs of meat or yogurt for example, at cheaper prices based on their stock and other reasons. Have a day you set for meal prep that includes shopping. The extra one it might take is worth the extra bucks you will have in your pocket.

2) Supplements
The first thing to remember is NEVER BUY SUPPLEMENTS IN A STORE. supplements are just too expensive at any store. Buy online! There are websites that sell supplements for a lot cheaper than stores. Some examples are allstarhealth.com and drugstore.com. I buy a 10 lb bag of protein from allstarhealth for the price of a 5 lb bag in store. Also be strategic when you buy online. Things take a couple days or more to ship so when you see you have about 5 days left of something, order asap so by the time you run out, your new stock is at the door.

3) Gym Membership
Gym memberships are expensive. Sometimes out of budget after all the money you spend on good and supps. One way to get around this is to work for one. Either as a trainer, a floor instructor, front desk person. These kind of jobs give you a free membership where ever you choose to work. Now let's say you have a full time job already. Apply to be a sub instructor or sub front desk. Maybe work one day out the week at the facility just to claim the membership. Now if you have virtually no time to spend as an employee at a gym but still can't really afford a membership, you can get savvy. There are so many gyms out there and most of them have free week trials or day trials. With so many of them, you can work the system for a while until you save up money to get a membership or just work for a gym.

Remember, you are not doing this because you want to. You are doing this because the passion inside says you have to! Don’t let anyone or anything make you think you can’t achieve your dreams.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


3 things your trainer doesn’t tell you about the competition life.

When you plan to compete in a fitness competition, the first step is to hire a contest prep coach.
This coach will provide workout and diet plans that cater to your specific goals of getting on
stage. Now, there’s only so much you can learn from your trainer before you hit the stage. Other
things are best learned the hard way. SO. Here’s my attempt to make your competition lives

1) SHAVING: Couple things regarding shaving. First, all you really have to do is your legs and
pubic area. They tell you to shave your arms and practically any other piece of skin but in reality
you don’t have to. You do not see the arm hair or the natural little hairs we have all over our
bodies when you are on that stage. Save yourself time and only shave what’s necessary.
Second, you are supposed to shave at east one day before getting the spray tan done. What I
learned the hard way is that the pores in your legs after shaving stay open for more than 24
hours, resulting in little dots of tan all over your legs. BADDDD. At least 2 days folks.

2) OVERNIGHT TANNING: Avoid the “black hands” you get when sleeping with a layer of tan. I
will admit, tan is going to get in the inside of you hands at some point in this process. If not from
the spray tan gun itself, then from when you are getting ready backstage. BUT. Your hands are
fair game when you’re sleeping. Wear disposable gloves at night that are light, you don’t want
your hands to get sweaty either. But this will curb the dirty hand look.

3) FOR MY FIGURE GIRLS: On the mandatory side pose and back pose, you want your
hamstrings to really pop out. Especially in that back pose because you want to show the
definition that separates your glutes from your legs. One great way to help the hamstrings say
HELLO to the judges is by placing your weight on the heel of the foot. So first set up each pose,
side and back then dig those heels in the ground. It should be the last thing you do before each of
these poses. If you are conditioned enough, then your hamstrings should respond to this trick.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Definition

As I continue on my journey, after my shows, after interviews, photo shoots and even gaining a sponsorship with Active Armor Nutrition, I find myself questioning the definition of this overwhelming feeling I have for what I need to accomplish. Deciding to take about a year off from competing, I must define what it is I plan to do with this time. Make it clear and precise so there are no questions asked, just actions taken.

Definition #1- The action of being saved from sin, error or evil.  

What error? 
What sin?
And what evil am I trying to save myself from?


Feeling like I disappointed many and myself just because I didn't win a competition. I need to save myself from this feeling because not only does it suck to feel that way, but it’s also an unjustified feeling. As I do with competition prepping, I do with life. I put my all into the things I love and am passionate about--so at no point should I feel down on myself for not winning or for certain situations that don't go down the way I expected.  I will never feel this way again.


Ever thinking I shouldn't be doing what I love to do. For doubting my abilities and feeling as though I am not capable of the things I want to achieve in my lifetime. If anyone is going to believe in me and my passions, I need to believe in myself and it is an absolute sin to be fearful of what I can do.

The external world and its ability to influence my mind, making me feel as though the errors and sins are in fact justified. It is amazing how many people out there want to see you fail or discourage you from doing what you love. Whether it is those who say I can’t reach the top of my competition without drug enhancements or those who say there are too many other girls who want the same thing I want, the evil is strongly present.  

Definition #2: The action of regaining or gaining possession of something. 

What possession do I wish to gain?

The answer is simple. I wish to gain possession of the best natural figure physique possible. Gain possession of all the successes I want and deserve.

It’s clear to me now that the answer lies within me.

There are many definitions for this feeling I have. But one word sums up what I plan to do; the influence and drive for me to take over whatever project that comes my way--every step I take bringing me closer to becoming the person I want to be, not only for myself but for all those I will eventually influence. 


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sometimes the Competition is YOU!

Going into this competition, I definitely wasn't prepared for anything other than the first place trophy. I went in there with the same confidence that I had for last season. "I believe I will win, I am going to win. First place is mine..." Finally June 8th came and I was ready to hit the stage-- oblivious to how my competition was coming in.My hair was perfect, my makeup was flawless; I was looking good. Line up time came fast and my competitors and I lined up for our time on the stage. I got pumped up, mentally and physically, still telling myself I believe I will win, I am going to win. First place is mine. On stage, I did my thing but when it came to comparisons that's when the game changed. I wasn't called for the first comparison...or the second...or the third. When you have competed before, you know that this isn't a good sign.

"Thank you ladies"

It was done.I felt a sudden rush of emotions. I was literally shocked, disappointed, mad, sad, everything! I was coming off a high of doing so well in the last season; I nowhere near expected to bomb this one.

What I didn't know at the time was that this experience was actually a good one. After the pre-show, I had several hours to reflect about what happened and I came to the conclusion that this had to happen. I had to experience the other side of the fence-- the not so sunny and green side.

Someone once said,

"Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.”
Not only did Atlantic States make me more determined and hungry than ever, but it allowed me to experience a loss and handle it in the most graceful way possible. I turned my thoughts of losing into a strategic plan to come back bigger and better than ever before. I took it as a lesson, a valuable lesson that although I didn't win a trophy, in so many different ways I really did win. I won a new sense of desire; a need to prove to myself that I have what it takes to reach the top even with obstacles.

Although the competitive instinct in me is to always go for the first place trophy, it's the want, the need to learn as much as I can about this cut-throat industry that is more valuable than any sized trophy. Every significant moment in life, good or bad is only worth something when you are able to use the experience to progress your life in a positive way. A moment like this does not define who you are or the goals you set for yourself. A moment like this lets you know that not everything will always go according to plan and it’s up to you to keep that head held up high and keep fighting for what you know you deserve. My goals have not changed, my strength has not diminished--in fact they grew since Atlantic States.

More now than ever before, I know I have chosen the right path in life.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

What They DON'T Tell You About Figure Competitions

Waiting for my competition suit was like torture.

You know its coming but until you see it, you are on edge. You get worried because if you need further alterations, you have to consider timing.

getting the suit back to the seller
waiting endlessly for it to come back to you.

It was 2-1/2 weeks out from the show and my suit hadn't come in yet.

Of course I stalked my email for tracking and confirmation but nothing showed up. One day I come back form school and there is a note on my door saying USPS tried to deliver, but no one was home and they needed a signature to release package.

Hey, at least I know its in the area, so I started feeling better. On the note, there was information on re-delivery. So naturally, I requested a delivery for the next business day. What happens that day?


Okay, now I started to feel the rise of anxiety coming fast. So after calling the post office, waiting 38 minutes for an actual human being, I got the information as to where my package was. The next day, as if it wasn't bad enough, all I've been through to get this package, I go to the post office and they guy tells me he couldn't find it.

I swear I was 10 seconds away from totally freaking out. I asked him to double check, as politely as I could for someone thinking, "YOU BEST FIND MY DAMN PACKAGE GUY!".

Finally, a miracle happened and I see him walk to the counter with my package. For a second I thought it was glowing in his hands like a gold bar. Now this is two weeks out, and at this point it's a bit late to make alterations and get it back in time for the show. It's definitely possible, but it will be cutting it close and when you are in the midst of competition, you want to be as cool, calm, and collective as possible.

This is just one of the many things competitors need to get ready for when they are prepping for a show. Organize yourself in a timely fashion and you wont be feeling any stress until the day when you are waiting for the judges to hurry up and make a decision.

So you can finally stuff your face!
And by the way...
The Suit doesn't need any alterations ;)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Machine is YOU!

Many gyms have only one of every machine, and this causes a wait time if you happen to need a machine that's in use. Whether you are short on time, or are in the middle of a super set, this wait time can be extra dreadful. 

The good news is, with a little bit of exercise knowledge, you can substitute whatever was going to be targeted on the machine with an alternative exercise that many times can be even better for that muscle. Almost all the exercises that the strength machines are used for can be done with either your body weight, dumbbells, kettle bells or barbells. Part one of this post will give you a couple of alternative exercises for your BACK: 

Assisted dips/ pull ups

Attach an exercise band to an elevated bar or on a hanging ab machine. Most gyms have pull up handles on the squat rack as well as the cable machine. The purpose of the exercise band is to take off a bit of weight you are pulling up. It functions as the assistance you would have if you used an assisted  dip or pull up machine. Place either your knee or foot into the loop of the exercise band. You will want to use an exercise band that isn't too restricting in terms of its stretch. 

Lateral (Lat) Pull Downs


 Cable Lat Pull Down or Pull ups or T Bar row

This image to the left shows the same movement from the Lat Pull down machine but on the cables. You simply attach a long handle bar to the cable hook which should be at the top and grab a bench for you to sit on. You can also challenge yourself by sitting on a exercise ball.

The image to the right is a T-Bar row. It hits the back muscles just like the lat pull down but because the pull down is more popular, many times the T-bar row is probably free to use.    

I will make sure and post more tips on Alternative Exercises and ALL THINGS FITNESS!

Keep up the #HARDWORK!