Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Machine is YOU!

Many gyms have only one of every machine, and this causes a wait time if you happen to need a machine that's in use. Whether you are short on time, or are in the middle of a super set, this wait time can be extra dreadful. 

The good news is, with a little bit of exercise knowledge, you can substitute whatever was going to be targeted on the machine with an alternative exercise that many times can be even better for that muscle. Almost all the exercises that the strength machines are used for can be done with either your body weight, dumbbells, kettle bells or barbells. Part one of this post will give you a couple of alternative exercises for your BACK: 

Assisted dips/ pull ups

Attach an exercise band to an elevated bar or on a hanging ab machine. Most gyms have pull up handles on the squat rack as well as the cable machine. The purpose of the exercise band is to take off a bit of weight you are pulling up. It functions as the assistance you would have if you used an assisted  dip or pull up machine. Place either your knee or foot into the loop of the exercise band. You will want to use an exercise band that isn't too restricting in terms of its stretch. 

Lateral (Lat) Pull Downs


 Cable Lat Pull Down or Pull ups or T Bar row

This image to the left shows the same movement from the Lat Pull down machine but on the cables. You simply attach a long handle bar to the cable hook which should be at the top and grab a bench for you to sit on. You can also challenge yourself by sitting on a exercise ball.

The image to the right is a T-Bar row. It hits the back muscles just like the lat pull down but because the pull down is more popular, many times the T-bar row is probably free to use.    

I will make sure and post more tips on Alternative Exercises and ALL THINGS FITNESS!

Keep up the #HARDWORK!


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