Tuesday, July 22, 2014


3 things your trainer doesn’t tell you about the competition life.

When you plan to compete in a fitness competition, the first step is to hire a contest prep coach.
This coach will provide workout and diet plans that cater to your specific goals of getting on
stage. Now, there’s only so much you can learn from your trainer before you hit the stage. Other
things are best learned the hard way. SO. Here’s my attempt to make your competition lives

1) SHAVING: Couple things regarding shaving. First, all you really have to do is your legs and
pubic area. They tell you to shave your arms and practically any other piece of skin but in reality
you don’t have to. You do not see the arm hair or the natural little hairs we have all over our
bodies when you are on that stage. Save yourself time and only shave what’s necessary.
Second, you are supposed to shave at east one day before getting the spray tan done. What I
learned the hard way is that the pores in your legs after shaving stay open for more than 24
hours, resulting in little dots of tan all over your legs. BADDDD. At least 2 days folks.

2) OVERNIGHT TANNING: Avoid the “black hands” you get when sleeping with a layer of tan. I
will admit, tan is going to get in the inside of you hands at some point in this process. If not from
the spray tan gun itself, then from when you are getting ready backstage. BUT. Your hands are
fair game when you’re sleeping. Wear disposable gloves at night that are light, you don’t want
your hands to get sweaty either. But this will curb the dirty hand look.

3) FOR MY FIGURE GIRLS: On the mandatory side pose and back pose, you want your
hamstrings to really pop out. Especially in that back pose because you want to show the
definition that separates your glutes from your legs. One great way to help the hamstrings say
HELLO to the judges is by placing your weight on the heel of the foot. So first set up each pose,
side and back then dig those heels in the ground. It should be the last thing you do before each of
these poses. If you are conditioned enough, then your hamstrings should respond to this trick.

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